Requires Junior Research Fellows
Last Date 10.10.2020
Recruitment to the post of two Junior Research Fellows in Centre for Climate Change, EPTRI
Junior Research Fellows (Two)
Essential Qualifications
Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science with NET qualification in
Climate Change / Climate Science / Climate Policy / Environmental Science with specialization
in Climate Change
Essential Qualifications
Graduation Degree in Professional Course with NET qualification or
Post Graduate Degree in Professional course with following subjects:
Water Resources/Hydrology / Water Management/Climate Policy / Energy
Experience in Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
The selected candidates need to work on the Department of Science Technology (DST)
sanctioned project ‘Strengthening of Climate Change Cell/Centre in Telangana with the
following objectives
To establish State Climate Change – Knowledge Management Cell with advanced research capabilities to take up Climate Change issues under DST (SCCC-DST).
To build DATA - BANK and a knowledge repository for storing and retrieving Climate Change information at the state level to be useful to all sectoral line departments, institutes/universities, public etc.
To establish a network with various stakeholders within the State.
To develop in detail sector specific adaptation and mitigation strategies in sectors identified in TSAPCC. Assessment of risk and vulnerability due to climate change in the state through academic institutions.
To develop capacity building for all relevant Departments of State Governments/stakeholders, to create awareness on climate change and develop capabilities to handle various issues.
To conduct training programmes for all concerned Departments to develop a Climate Change Knowledge Portal for assisting decision makers in framing appropriate policy interventions in the activities of various Government Departments
Any other work pertaining to Climate Change Division from time to time. Kindly fill in the application from placed in the EPTRI website and email to eptricc@gmail.com & jssvas@eptri.com on or before 10.10.2020. For any clarifications contact Dr. J. Sesha Srinivas, Sr. Scientist (91-40-67567506; Mobile: 9346675891). Shortlisted candidates will be informed by e-mail for interview. No TA/DA will be paid to
candidates appearing for the interview.
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